Garland Fisher M

Primary Specialty: Chiropractic
Experience: 56 + years
1311 Ben Franklin Hwy W
Douglassville, PA 19518-1833

Phone Number
(610) 385-6019

About Garland M Fisher

Garland M Fisher is a Chiropractic specialist in Douglassville, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Lincoln Chiropractic College with his medical degree in 1968. Garland M Fisher has more than 56 years of experience. His specialties include Chiropractic and Diagnostic Radiology.
Garland M Fisher affiliates with no hospital.


Garland Fisher graduated from the Lincoln Chiropractic College in 1968.

Doctor Profile

First Name Garland
Last Name Fisher
Gender Male
NPI 1205863776
PECOS ID 6800925595

Medical Licenses

Specialization Classification License Number State
Chiropractor FI-0000216 Delaware
Chiropractor DC001264-L Pennsylvania


Garland M Fisher
1311 Ben Franklin Hwy W
Douglassville, PA 19518-1833
(610) 385-6019