Ronald Shepherd G

Primary Specialty: Chiropractic
Experience: 30 + years
700 Eagle Ridge Rd
Shepherd Chiropractic Clinic
Le Claire, IA 52753-9593

Phone Number
(563) 289-3242

About Ronald G Shepherd

Ronald G Shepherd is a Chiropractic specialist in Le Claire, Iowa. He graduated from Palmer College Chiropractic - Davenport with his medical degree in 1994. Ronald G Shepherd has more than 30 years of experience. His specialties include Chiropractic.
Ronald G Shepherd affiliates with no hospital.



Ronald Shepherd graduated from the Palmer College Chiropractic - Davenport in 1994.

Doctor Profile

First Name Ronald
Last Name Shepherd
Gender Male
NPI 1912901463
PECOS ID 6800835794

Medical Licenses

Specialization Classification License Number State
Sports Physician Chiropractor AO5839 Iowa
Orthopedic Chiropractor AO5839 Iowa


Ronald G Shepherd, DC
700 Eagle Ridge Rd
Shepherd Chiropractic Clinic
Le Claire, IA 52753-9593
(563) 289-3242